Sunday, December 14, 2014

November 24, 2014


Hey everybody! This week was soooo good. Let me just say one thing....I love Nigerians!!!! :)

First off this week we had a great time at the Cook Conference... :)  It was so amazing to hear from an Apostle of the Lord. He knew his stuff and he knew God and his Son, Jesus Christ. It was so cool to see the whole mission all together.

Other than that we have had such a great week. We have truly been blessed here in Bourges. I know for a fact that I don't deserve these many blessings but I am so grateful for them. This week we found 4 people and three of them were Nigerian! I love Nigerians. They are such a believing people and they are so open.

The first one is Victoria. We prayed with her on the street and set up another rendez-vous for later on that week. We then went over and taught her the Restoration. She has been in France for about a year and it is just her and her little baby boy. She seems super cool.

We found a Nigerian family too. Their names are Samson and Estelle and they have a little baby as well. We prayed with them and fixed another rendez-vous for the next day. We went over there and they fed us and gave us drinks which was super nice. Samson told us the whole story of Adam and Eve....haha. It was funny, but we got to teach them the Restoration and they said they would pray and read. :)

We found a 19 year old black dude named Donald. I forgot where he comes from but he seems super legit. We taught him the Restoration and we gave him a soft baptismal invite and he accepted! :) So things are looking really good for Bourges.

Other than that we have still been meeting with all of our other amis once a week. I wish they could meet more often but I will just have to accept the fact that I can't get everything I want...haha. They are all progressing slowly but that is better than nothing! :)

I got two packages this week too! Thanks mom and dad.  I really enjoyed them!  Here are some pics:

I wear it everyday Dad.  Thanks so much!

This week at church Madame Le Bon and Sylvie showed up. During a rendez-vous with Madame Le Bon she told us that she continues to meet with us because it makes her happy and that our message is positive. It is totally true. Our Father in Heaven wants all of us to be happy and that it is only through Him and his Son that we can have that true happiness. That is why he gave us a plan to return back to him and that plan is the Plan of Happiness. I have been so blessed and I have never been so happy to help change peoples lives.  Those experiences are truly rewarding experiences that I am never going to forget.

Well I hope that you had a great week just as I did.

Love you all !!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

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