Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 17, 2014


This is my new Transfer 9 planner. Because it is almost Thanksgiving I put in 2 Cor. 9:11. I am really Thankful for God this week! :)

The start off of transfer 9 has been great! This week we saw a lot of miracles!!! :)

Let's start off with Tuesday. So we taught our ami, Madame Le Bon again and she is doing really well. She read and prayed but isn't praying to know if these things are true. That will come though. Anyways, during porting that night we were able to find a guy named Olivier. We asked if we could pray with him and he was really excited to pray with us. We prayed and we shared the Restoration. He believes in God but thinks that religion doesn't matter. Overall, he is a cool dude. He works for the military and he does yoga. Sadly, he told us that he is going to have to do military detention until December 9th, so we won't be able to see him until then.

Later on this week we found another guy whose name is Bruno. He is a 7th Day Adventist. We contacted him and prayed with him and then set up another rendez-vous. We went over to his house and taught him about Joseph Smith. He agreed with everything we said so we are planning on giving him a baptismal invite this next week.

Other than that we are still teaching Stany, Michael, Sylvie, and Madame Le Bon.  They are all progressing really well. We have been really blessed this week. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be this blessed but I am not complaining...haha :) I am loving the work, and I am super excited for the Cook Conference! :)

Did you hear that Elder Shaver and I have some fans out here in Bourges? Here is some pics of us with our BIGGEST FANS that we have. I swear they love us so much.

Hope you guys have had a great week!!! Love you all!!! 

Elder Evan Peterson

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