Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 1, 2014


This is the district and our amazing Thanksgiving lunch!!! It was so dang good!!!

Well this week has been super good. :)

We were able to find another black Lady! She is super cool. Her name is Leontine. We prayed with her and fixed another rendez-vous for later on that week. We went over there and we taught her the Restoration. She understood everything we said and it went great. We gave her a soft baptismal invite and she accepted too! She was super willing to read and find out for herself if these things are true.

Other than that we taught Stany which went super well. He is a cool guy. He really liked the Plan of Salvation and he is still reading and praying so I know he will find his answer. 

We taught Samson as well. He read so much since last time. And he told us everything he read in like perfect detail. We asked him if he felt that the Book of Mormon is true and he said yes.  Then Elder Shaver and I felt that we should ask him to be baptized, so we did. Samson said he had been baptized a lot and he didn't see a reason why he had to be baptized again. We explained why and he understood but still didn't see why he should. We told him to just pray and ask God if he should be baptized again.

This Sunday, Bruno showed up to church. He was participating the whole time and everybody thought that he was a member who was visiting...haha. I am excited to see what happens with him. He is a super cool guy!

Other than that we had a great Thanksgiving at a member's house and we have just been continuing to teach our amis. Work is really progressing here and I am loving it so much! The Lord really does look after each and every one of us.

The end of the transfer is this coming week so we'll find out if one of us is leaving. I am pretty sure Elder Shaver is going but we will find out this Saturday!

I hope you all have a great week!!! 

Love you all!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

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