December 8, 2014
Transfer 10 has finally begun!
Well this week was very interesting. First off (as you can see from the picture), Elder Shaver and I had a nice little 2 day road trip!!! Whoa!!! I am not going to was super tiring but fun at the same time.
The mission told us that another companionship needed a car so we took our car to the companionship in Quimper, which was a 6 hour drive, and then we slept over at their apartment. Don't ask me why but the next day we took the Quimper missionaries' car and drove their car to the Elders at Cholet, which actually needed a car in the first place. We basically backtracked a lot but I just do what I am told so that is what we did...haha.
Elder Shaver and I bought some road trip snacks and guess what I got!?
Oh yeah!!! My favorite....Dr. Pepper!!!
Other than the road trip which took up 1/3 of our week we had our last district meeting of the transfer. Her is the picture of my district:
Well...Elder Shaver is leaving Bourges and going to Strasbourg. I am going to miss that Canadian. We had such a great time in Bourges. My new comp is Elder Nez (Nez in French i actually "Nose" I'm going to have fun with that). He is in the same group as Elder Shaver and he is from Utah. I don't know him at all though but I am excited to find out what happens!!!
This week we didn't really see any other of our amis besides Michael. He is doing good though. He still doesn't speak that much but he is still reading and praying. Sadly, Madame Legon dropped us. She sent us a text saying she doesn't want to see us anymore. It was really sad. We tried calling her to see what was going on but she didn't answer. We texted her and asked her what was going on and that we were there for her. She finally responded and said that we could help her. Se we just responded back and testified about God's love for her and if she ever needed help we would always be there.
Anyways, this week has been really good in the sense of Christmas Finding! We have actually been Christmas Caroling just like what we did last year during Christmas. Let me tell you that singing works...haha. We were let in so many times and we prayed with like half of the people's homes we were let into. They all gave us either goodies or some hot chocolate! It is a really great way on how we can share the gift of Christ to people and the French people love caroling because they have never seen it done here in France. :)
We found one guy last night and his name is Marc. We sang to him and his little daughter and we taught him the Restoration. It was so cool! He seems like a cool dude and we will be seeing him soon.
So overall this week was interesting because we saw a lot of miracles and found more people but we weren't able to see any of our actual amis. But I loved the week anyways. I am so grateful for God and what things he has in store for every one of his children especially for the people of France. I hope you all had a good week and that you have spread that CHRISTmas cheer!
Love you all!! Bisoux!! :)))
Elder Evan Peterson
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