Monday, October 13, 2014

October 6th, 2014


Hey guys! That's right!!! We have a car here in Bourges! But the big miracle about this car is that it is automatic!!!! :) Bourges is a nice old little city. It is a very beautiful place. My comp is Elder Shaver and he is from Canada. haha It is weird to think that out of all of my comps only 1 of them was from Utah. Shaver and I are getting along great so I am excited to see what happens this transfer! :)

Well anyways, the first week in Bourges was dang good!!!! Elder Shaver and I have started off the week great! We are pretty much starting at ground zero but we have seen a lot of miracles this week.

During many hours of contacting we were able to teach and pray with 2 people this week! We contacted this lady named Noah and talked for a while how God is always there for us and she shared some stories about how God has helped her. We then prayed and after the prayer we were able to get her phone number! We also taught a guy names Gilles about the Restoration and we were able to pray with him and set up another rendez-vous!

Other than that we had a great spiritual time watching General Conference. This conference was so good! It answered a lot of questions that I have had. It is amazing how General Conference gives us a spiritual boost for 6 months and that how a lot of talks are so related.

We were able to eat dinner and watch the Sunday morning session with Branch President Rivet and his family. That was a great moment to seal off this great week!

Well I hope you guys have had a great week and that next week will be great for you too! Stay strong and Keep the Faith!!! Love you!!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

Here is a cat, Bisous-

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