Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13th, 2014


Hey everyone!!!

October 13th! A year from today I will be finished with my mission!!! It is crazy to think how fast time goes by!!!

Well this week we had a pretty good week! First we had District Meeting and it was really good to see everyone in my district. We had delicious Raclette and if you don't know what that is than you better look it up because it is soooo good!!! :)

Elder Shaver and I found 2 new amis too!!! Their names are Madame Lebon and Paula. We found Madame Lebon while contacting and we talked for a while about prayer and other random stuff because she talks SO MUCH!!! haha But we finally shared the Restoration and then we went over to her house later on this week and we taught her about the Book of Mormon. During the rendez-vous we shared about prayer and we were able to pray with her by the end of it. It was so amazing how strong the spirit was in there afterwards. She was so quiet and after the prayer she just sat there for a little bit and just soaked it all in. Hopefully she realized that that was the spirit. She isn't really too believing though but she is willing to try so that it good.

Okay now for our other ami, Paula. She is from French Guinea. We shared with her the Plan of Salvation in the road and then we later went to her house and shared it more fully. She is VERY believing and she understood all of it. She even beared her testimony about during this difficult life we need to have faith and trust in the Lord. We set up another rendez-vous with her for this week!

So overall the work is progressing a lot in Bourges! I am so excited to see what happens here because this place has a lot of potential! It reminds me when I was in my blue ville and how I saw so many miracle there.

This Sunday I was able to present myself in front of the branch. This branch is dang awesome! It is like a huge family and just so loving. I have been to a lot of the member houses so far, so I am getting to know a lot of them. We even had raclette with a member here!! Oh baby!!! So gooood! :))

Here is a pic of Elder Shaver and I, oh Canadians-

Well I hope you all had a great week! Remember that God is always there for all of us and that he "will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

Love you all!!! Until next week!!! :))))

Elder Evan Peterson

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