Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 20th, 2014

La Bible Devoilee and a lot of Miracles!!!

Hey everybody!!!

As you can tell this week we saw a lot of miracles and the Bible was unveiled!!! :) First off, we were able to find 4 new amis!!! Bourges is just rocking it right now!

This week we had Zone Conference and interviews which was so good!  I love President Babin and his wife. I asked them how I can help my district in more ways and they gave me some good responses so hopefully I can help them more!

This week we worked hard and were able to find 4 people. One of them was really legit. Her name is Madame Lorz. She is French. We actually contacted her on Saturday and fixed a rendez-vous for later on that day. We taught her the Restoration and then invied her to read, pray, and to go to church the next day. She accepted all of them and she kept all of them as well!!! She seemed to like church a lot and she said she would come next week.

We are still teaching Madame Lebon and she is still talking a lot...haha, but she is progressing in the right direction! She did talk about this book called "La Bible Devoilee" which basically means "The Bible Unveiled." Pretty random, but then like an

hour later a Canadian Jehovah Witness tried getting in an argument about the bible. Coincidence? I think not...haha. Elder Shaver was pretty shaken up though about his Canadian brother was being so rude to us, but he was from Quebec so he wasn't too hurt. Oh Canada.

So, we go over to this one ladies house every week and eat with her and her two children. Another one we go over to eat with is Emilio. They are super funny.

I've been on exchanges so far with Elder Oviatt and Elder Smith (not my old companion).

Anyways, just Canadians and super awesome miracles this week!!! One of the best weeks on my mission. But time is just flying scares me...

I hope you guys have had a great week!!!! Love you!!! :)))

Elder Evan Peterson

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