Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 8, 2014

John the Baptist and I Chillin' in Amiens :)

Yes, this is really the head of John the Baptist and yes, that hunk of a missionary is really me....haha.

Apparently Amiens' Cathedrale has the real skull of John the Baptist.

Anyways...Hello everyone!!!!

This week was great!  Although we weren't able to teach that many lessons, we did find 2 new amis!!!! 

Our mission (the Mission of Paris) and the Mission of Lyon did an activity. The activity was to find 1000 new amis by doing a full day of finding and by praying every 30 minutes on Friday from 9 am to 9 pm.  We actually were able to contact one of our potentials that we taught and fix a rendezvous with her so she became a new ami on Friday. We were also able to get a lot of phone numbers from the activity. We even were able to fix a rendezvous with a lady for Saturday and we taught her.

Her name is Elizabeth and she has two young sons. We had a great lesson with her. We taught her the Restoration and we were able to testify to her about Joseph Smith and knowledge through Prayer. She seems to be a "Golden" ami too which was really great to see. So many miracles came from that activity. Prayer really does work. So thanks for your prayers as well!!

Other than that we actually had to drop a couple of amis because they just weren't progressing and would never meet with us. But Christelle and Feran are still  progressing which is great!

Whoa!? How did Chuck get here??? Here is a cat that reminded me of my family's cat...haha. He was so nice and I even got to pet him.

We had Zone Conference this week too which was really good. I love Zone Conference. It is such a great place to meet your President, other missionaries, friends, and old comps. The best part is being uplifted and receiving spiritual strength to continue.

I was able to meet my trainer and my MTC comp there too!!! Left (Me), middle (Elder Miller,my trainer), right (Elder Sanchez, my MTC comp). They are actually serving together. week should be even better because we have a lot of lessons set up!!! Just know that I am praying for everyone and that I am loving life!!! Have a good week guys and I will see you soon!!!!

Love you!!!! :)))

Elder Evan Peterson

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