Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 1, 2014  - 10 Months and a New Ami!!!! :)

Bonjour mes amis et ma famille!!!

This week was really good!!!! I just hit my 10th month mark too! It is crazy how fast the mission goes by!!!

But let me tell you guys about my week. First of all we were able to teach Christelle, one of our amis. She even came to church!!!  We finished up the plan of salvation this week with her and she liked it a lot because she never knew what happened before this life and what was going to happen after this life. We had some great spiritual lessons with her too. She is still timid though, but she is coming out of her shell little by little which is really good to see!!!

Elder Quist and I have been working a lot with the less actives too. We have been everywhere in Amiens searching for those "lost sheep." One of them let us in and we taught her about how God can make our weaknesses become strengths. It was very nice and we are going to be seeing her again this week.

We also saw a great miracle this week! On Wednesday we were going door to door and we didn't see any success that whole night.  We had to go home soon but we decided to do one more last door.  We knocked on the door and a lady came out and we talked with her for a little bit. She told us that she was searching for a church and we were able to fix a return rendez-vous with her. Than later on this week we were able to teach her. She understood everything we taught and accepted everything we invited her to do. During my whole time here in Amiens I have been praying to find a "golden" investigator and I think we have been able to do it by finding her.  her name is Janet (yes mom, I told her that is your name too. haha). She is a really nice lady from Africa. She has a family too, so a great kingdom builder!!!

Well...I just want to testify to you guys how great it is to be an instrument in God's hands. He can really work mighty miracles through all of us. I have been blessed to see how much he has worked through me. So greater joy can come through helping others come unto the truth. I have felt true happiness out here. The mission is so great!!!!

I love you all!!! Have a great week!!! :)))

Elder Evan Peterson

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