Sunday, September 21, 2014

Elder "Peterson" or Elder "Presley"


Well...That is the theme for this week because everyone is calling me Elder "Presley" at church...haha.

This week has been great!!! The most exciting news for this week was that we fixed a baptismal date with Elizabeth, one of our amis!!! :))))

But first off this week we did exchanges. Elder Quist went to Arras and I stayed here. I was with Elder Manwaring who is in his 1st transfer.  We saw a lot of miracles. One of the miracles was that we got to pray with a very nice Muslim family. Honestly I wasn't expecting it but they were very nice and let us in and even gave us some cookies!

Other than that this week we have been teaching Elizabeth a lot and she is progressing very well. She has two young boys and let me tell you...they are crazy...haha, but lots of fun! :)

This week we taught her the Book of Mormon and we watched the Restoration with her. During the video her children were quiet. It was a miracle. After that we talked and Elder Quist and I bore our testimony and she even bore her testimony about how the Book of Mormon has helped her. We were then able to invite her to be baptized for October 18th and she accepted!

Elizabeth came to church this week and she came to all of the meetings and she loved it. During sacrement meeting was when the real party began. At first the two young boys were fine then they started getting louder. Elizabeth and I were trying to calm them down and the older one did but the younger one was just screaming and jumping. One moment, when we both didn't keep track of him, we found him at the back of the chapel. Then Elizabeth gasped and turned to me and told me he peed his pants...haha. I turned to find this kid's pants soaked and a puddle of it on the chapel floor.  Elizabeth hurried and grabbed him and took him out while I went and cleaned up the mess. It was so funny, but even throughout the whole situation Elizabeth still loved church. But some small advice, keep your eyes on your children! haha.

Other than that we taught our ami, Feran. Usually lessons with him are slightly awkward because of the language barrier but this time it was different. We talked to him about how he can receive an answer about the truthfulness of our message. He didn't really know how so then we explained how we can know and the role of the Holy Ghost. He even said that he had a lot of questions and that our religion is simple and has answered some of his questions. We told him to keep praying with his family and to continue reading the Book of Mormon and that he would receive an answer to his questions. Sadly he isn't very free to meet with us because he has school, his wife is going to give birth soon, and his son is getting ready to get his tonsils taken out. We will meet with him soon though!

This week has been so dang good!!! I have been so blessed to see so many miracles!!! I hope you guys have had a great week as well!!!! I love you all  and have a great week!!!! :))))

Elder Evan Peterson


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