Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 19, 2015


We ate some steak!!!! (still not as good as Texas Roadhouse though)

Hey guys! :)

So this week we went to a restaurant, called Buffalo Grill, for Elder Nez's Bday!!! He is now 23. They grow up so fast.

Here are some pics of us-

It was soooo good though. It almost reminded me of home. haha

Other than the delicious steak that we put in our bellies, we had another pretty darn good week! :)

Two of our amis came to church this week too!!! Michael and Leontine! Michael was participating so much! It was super cool to see.

This week we taught Michael a lot. We taught him the Word of Wisdom. He said he is going to have some troubles with tea and coffee but he said he is going to try though. We are praying for him but he is so ready for baptism! :)

We were able to see Leontine this week too and we asked her if she prayed about baptism and she said she had to go to our church first.  So this Sunday she came! :) She liked it so hopefully next week we can set up a baptismal date with her. She is super believing but she has had a really hard life. She was explaining to us things that she has gone through and it just makes you feel so sorry for them. But we promised her that the Gospel will help her overcome her past and what she has gone through.

This week we taught a lady whose name is Patricia. She is super cool. Like I think she is a golden ami, that is how cool she is. This is how we found her:  So a couple of weeks ago we were porting and we knocked on this one house. Two ladies that were sisters answered and one of them wasn't interested at all but the other one was. So the interested one (Patricia) asked for a brochure which we gave her, but she said she was just visiting her sister and that she didn't want to give us her phone number so we just left not knowing what would happen.  A week later, right before teaching an ami who lives in the same area as Patricia's sister, we decided to pass by her sister's house to ask if she knew where Patricia lived. So she did and it just happens to turn out that she lived like a block away from her sister's house. We went looking for house and we couldn't find it. We were seriously looking everywhere and after a little bit we saw a lady coming towards us. And it happened to be Patricia! She said that she was looking for us and she wanted the Book of Mormon. So we gave it to her and we set up another rende-vous! We were able to teach her this week and when we got over there she said she read the brochure and that she was in 1st Nephi, chapter 9! It was super cool! We weren't able to explain the whole brochure because she talks A LOT! But I am excited to see what happens with her! :)

We have had a really book week! Things are looking better and better for Bourges! :) All of the other amis are doing good. France is awesome!!! :D Changing people's lives one at a time!

Love ya!

Elder Evan Peterson

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