Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 12, 2015


Hey guy. So a lot cray stuff has been going down in France if you haven't heard of it yet. I am pretty sure you have because members have been showing me pictures that "Je suis Charlie" is everywhere in the world, even in Utah.

Literally this week was so good for missionary work but it was a bad week for the people of France. It was pretty hard to hear that news and just knowing that I am only 2 hours away from Paris. 

But as missionary work goes, we were able to reach our mission goal of teaching 21 lessons in a week!!! :) That was a really cool miracle!!! :) We were able to find 9 new amis too. So this week has been the best week I have had on my mission and it feels really good. God is truly blessing us and I a just glad to see Bourges doing so well. Out of those 9 amis, we were able to find a family with 6 children! They are from Haiti. They seem to be like a golden family and they said they would come to church next week. I love people that just accept the Restored Gospel with open arms. :D

Another amaing miracle happened this week! Michael came to church. He didn't work this Sunday so he was able to come!!!! It was so cool! :)  He was looking so fly in his dress shirt and tie! All the members welcomed him with open arms as well.  So I am still praying that he will get baptized!

I wish I could talk about all the other things that we saw but there too many to count...haha. I am loving Bourges so much though. :D

Have a good week guys!!! :D Love ya!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

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