Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 26, 2015


I heard they are having a rough time...So this one's for you, Lakers.


This week felt weird...but it was really good. :)

We had exchanges in Tours this week so I got to work with Elder Smith this time.  We had a good exchange even though a lot of people didn't show up to our rendez-vous. Tours is a big city. It reminds me how little Bourges is.

Other than that we were able to see Michael again. I think we are going to have to change his baptismal date though. He says he doesn't feel ready yet and so he wants to change the date to sometime in March. Michael is really opening up to us though so that is super cool. He said that he even felt the spirit one time after he left church on Sunday! It's a start though! :)

Sadly we weren't able to see a lot of our amis because some of them were out of town or some of them were sick.

We were able to see Yves though. He is doing great! He is such a loving guy. He asked good questions too so he is progressing really well.

We are still teaching Sylvie and I am really not sure what to do for her. She reads the Book of Mormon but she just doesn't want to change her ideas. Hopefully when she asks God if the Book of Mormon is true, she will get an answer. I just wished she would ask him now instead of waiting until she finishes the book. Oh well, patience is a virtue.

We were able to find a guy named Samson too. He is from Nigeria and he is homeless. He really believes in God but when we contacted him he said he wanted to kill himself. We were able to teach him the Plan of Salvation and show him that God loves him. It seemed to help him so that is good. He has had a tough life though.

Transfers are on the 4th of February. This Saturday we will find out if I am getting transferred! I really like Bourges though and the work here is going amazingly well! :D

Have a good week! Love ya!!!! :D

Elder Evan Peterson
January 19, 2015


We ate some steak!!!! (still not as good as Texas Roadhouse though)

Hey guys! :)

So this week we went to a restaurant, called Buffalo Grill, for Elder Nez's Bday!!! He is now 23. They grow up so fast.

Here are some pics of us-

It was soooo good though. It almost reminded me of home. haha

Other than the delicious steak that we put in our bellies, we had another pretty darn good week! :)

Two of our amis came to church this week too!!! Michael and Leontine! Michael was participating so much! It was super cool to see.

This week we taught Michael a lot. We taught him the Word of Wisdom. He said he is going to have some troubles with tea and coffee but he said he is going to try though. We are praying for him but he is so ready for baptism! :)

We were able to see Leontine this week too and we asked her if she prayed about baptism and she said she had to go to our church first.  So this Sunday she came! :) She liked it so hopefully next week we can set up a baptismal date with her. She is super believing but she has had a really hard life. She was explaining to us things that she has gone through and it just makes you feel so sorry for them. But we promised her that the Gospel will help her overcome her past and what she has gone through.

This week we taught a lady whose name is Patricia. She is super cool. Like I think she is a golden ami, that is how cool she is. This is how we found her:  So a couple of weeks ago we were porting and we knocked on this one house. Two ladies that were sisters answered and one of them wasn't interested at all but the other one was. So the interested one (Patricia) asked for a brochure which we gave her, but she said she was just visiting her sister and that she didn't want to give us her phone number so we just left not knowing what would happen.  A week later, right before teaching an ami who lives in the same area as Patricia's sister, we decided to pass by her sister's house to ask if she knew where Patricia lived. So she did and it just happens to turn out that she lived like a block away from her sister's house. We went looking for house and we couldn't find it. We were seriously looking everywhere and after a little bit we saw a lady coming towards us. And it happened to be Patricia! She said that she was looking for us and she wanted the Book of Mormon. So we gave it to her and we set up another rende-vous! We were able to teach her this week and when we got over there she said she read the brochure and that she was in 1st Nephi, chapter 9! It was super cool! We weren't able to explain the whole brochure because she talks A LOT! But I am excited to see what happens with her! :)

We have had a really book week! Things are looking better and better for Bourges! :) All of the other amis are doing good. France is awesome!!! :D Changing people's lives one at a time!

Love ya!

Elder Evan Peterson

January 12, 2015


Hey guy. So a lot cray stuff has been going down in France if you haven't heard of it yet. I am pretty sure you have because members have been showing me pictures that "Je suis Charlie" is everywhere in the world, even in Utah.

Literally this week was so good for missionary work but it was a bad week for the people of France. It was pretty hard to hear that news and just knowing that I am only 2 hours away from Paris. 

But as missionary work goes, we were able to reach our mission goal of teaching 21 lessons in a week!!! :) That was a really cool miracle!!! :) We were able to find 9 new amis too. So this week has been the best week I have had on my mission and it feels really good. God is truly blessing us and I a just glad to see Bourges doing so well. Out of those 9 amis, we were able to find a family with 6 children! They are from Haiti. They seem to be like a golden family and they said they would come to church next week. I love people that just accept the Restored Gospel with open arms. :D

Another amaing miracle happened this week! Michael came to church. He didn't work this Sunday so he was able to come!!!! It was so cool! :)  He was looking so fly in his dress shirt and tie! All the members welcomed him with open arms as well.  So I am still praying that he will get baptized!

I wish I could talk about all the other things that we saw but there too many to count...haha. I am loving Bourges so much though. :D

Have a good week guys!!! :D Love ya!!!

Elder Evan Peterson
January 5, 2015


Here is my transfer 10 planner drawing. I took WAY too long on it...haha.


This week was good and okay in certain aspects of the week.

We weren't able to see hardly anyone of our current that kind of sucked. But we also were able to find a couple of people too!

So first off New Years was soooo good! :) New Year's Eve we went to a member's house. The Branch President and his wife came too. We just ate, played games, and had a lot of fun. Then the next day we went to the Branch President's house and the members that we spent the night before with came too! We pretty much did the same thing. And did I mention that we ggot to sleep in again?? haha Cela faisait du bien.

Sadly this week we had to drop Bruno. He wasn't keeping commitments and it was just an argument every time we went over there. He is a really nice guy and I hope someday he will come to know that these things are true.

It is funny because this week we dropped Bruno, a 7th Day Adventist, but we found another one...haha. His name is Oliver. He is a cool young thug. We prayed with him and we fixed another rende-vous for Sunday. So Sunday we went over there and we taught him the Restoration. He seems really believing. They actually talked to each other about us. We will see how it goes though. :)

This week we had a meeting in Paris with all the leaders of the France Paris Mission. It was really fun. The President just told us some goals for the New Year and we received training from the assistants. President Babin told us that we need to work BETTER and not just HARDER, which is true. Sometimes I forget about that...haha, but overall the meeting went really well and I was really inspired to work better not just harder.

On Saturday, I made a goal for the District to pray each hour for the District and the Zone so that we can reach our goals that we have fixed. It went really well and we were able to see a lot of miracles from it as a District. I think we are going to be doing that more often. Pretty much every time when we pray to know where to go porting or contacting, we always find someone. God has given us a tool that allows us to talk with him and receive personal answers. I think a lot of people overlook how valuable that tool is. I am just glad God keeps on answering my prayers because without that I don't know what I would do.

Well I am going to sign off for know. I hope you guys have a good week!!!

Love ya!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

December 29, 2014 Merry Christmas!!!!


It is soooo freaking cold! As you can see I am wrapped in three scarves. That is how cold it is



Elder Nez and I had such a great Christmas!!!! We went over to some member's houses and we definitely ate a lot! :)))) And we even got to watch HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2!!! It was soooo good! Maybe that is because I haven't seen a movie like that in over a year....haha.

But the truly best part of Christmas was the chance to skype our families! That was soo awesome! I am not going to lie and say I didn't shed some tears...It is sad to know that this was my last Christmas in France. It seems like yesterday when I was in Chartres with Elder Miller finding out what Foie Gras was..haha.

We had a good week though.  A lot of our amis have been out of town abut we were able to see Michael and fix a baptismal date with him for the 14th of February! :)

It was really cool. I am going to keep this one short, but I am so grateful that God sent his only begotten son to us. I am so glad that we can celebrate his marvelous life during this time of year and I am glad that I can help others find Him in France. We have been really blessed in Bourges with a lot of Christmas miracles.

I love you all! Have a great New Years!!!

Elder Evan Peterson