Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 3 in France....

Hello Everyone!!!

Christmas was great!!!  I loved talking with my family!!!  

On Christmas Eve we spent a lot of time with the members. We went over to two homes for dinner, back to back. haha It was really good. The first house I got to eat some escargot (snails)!!!  It was really good!!  Then at the other home I got to eat something that wasn't as good.  It is called foie gras or in other words, exploded duck liver. If you want to know what it is or how it is made I will let you look it up. haha They eat that a lot out here.

Christmas Day was another day where we spent all of it with the members. More duck liver! haha 

Our branch is so nice.  I got to skype my mom and dad. it was great! You guys make me miss home but I love it out here. I also got to watch "Finding Nemo" in French.  I would have to say that it was funnier in French, haha.

On the 26th we did exchanges so that our DL could do a baptism interview with our family, and let me tell you that you see miracles when you are on exchanges.  It was great. We got to talk to a lot of people and I got to bear my testimony a lot. We actually got to sing a Christmas song to someone too. haha

On the 28th and the 29th, the Lacatus Family (Loan, his wife, and two of his other children) were baptised and confirmed. They were so happy and I was so happy too. It is great seeing the gospel bless peoples lives. In the Gospel is where true happiness lies.  I know that for a fact.

Anyways, family and friends, have a great week and New Years. I love you all so much.  I love it out here serving the Lord. I know that this work is true.  I know that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and that he lives.

Love Elder Peterson

The first picture is the escargot I ate, the second picture is of the family we baptized:

The following are notes taken by me (Evan's mom) during our skype time:

- Evan estimated approx. 30 members in his branch which covers all of Chartres and surrounding cities.

- Their apartment is the same size as our living room. The washing machine is in the kitchen.  The dryer and bunk beds are in the living room.  Their apartment is heated by a radiator. 

- It's very cold there.  Although the temperature is higher than in Utah, the humidity is so high that it makes it colder.  Today they had 94% humidity.

- They walk most everywhere except when they have to go to the surrounding cities, then they take a car.  They have to walk single file most times because the streets are so narrow the cars get to park on the sidewalk.  Their feet hurt from walking on the cobblestone all day.

- On Christmas Eve, they had dinner at Frere Zobiri's home. He gave them each cologne and Belgium chocolate.

- On Christmas Day, they spent time with the Lacatus family and then went to another investigator's homes for lunch. That evening they went to Frere Zobiri's son's home who is the 1st counselor in the Branch Presidency.

- Foie Gras is a highly controversial food and illegal in the US but many people love the taste.

- The Lacatus family that was recently baptized is Romanian.

- Funny story - Evan contacted one guy and introduced himself and said that he knew that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and asked him if  he believed in Jesus Christ?  He said, "no" among other things.  He kept trying to poke Evan in the chest but it was funny because Evan is so tall and  the man was very short.

- France is super tiny.  It can be hard at times for him to stand and get places. Everyone stares at him because of his height. haha

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