Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2, 2013

Week 5 at the MTC

Hello Everyone....

This week has been pretty cool.  One of the missionaries in my District, Elder Karl, had his wisdom teeth removed.  It was the funniest thing.  Lol.  The whole day he was so high.  He was like a little kid.  We convinced him that he was married and was a billionaire because he was holding ten dollars.  We have videos and I wish you all could see them. hahaha.

Thanksgiving was another awesome day.  First we went to a devotional and the speaker was Russell M. Nelson. It was really amazing.  He gave a talk about who should be our best friends right when we get into the mission field.  I felt the spirit a lot. Afterwards, we went to another devotional where the missionaries organized a play about Thanksgiving for everyone. We then went to our Thanksgiving feast. Let me just say that I really miss going over with the family for Thanksgiving, not only for the food but for the company as well.  Overall the food was great!

We then did a service project where all of the missionaries at the MTC had to put together 350,000 of ready-to-go lunches for Utah children who don't have food.  We did it too! We made 350,285 lunches.  I am glad we could all help others out because that's what a Mission is.  After the service project we got to see an actual movie...I couldn't believe it.  We watched "Ephriam's Rescue." That was really amazing.  I felt the spirit so much throughout the whole movie.  If you get the chance to watch that movie then do.  This week has been simply great!

The French zone has the earliest schedule and so we have to get up 1/2 hour earlier, around 5:50am.  

Je sais que l'Evangile de Jesus-Christ est vrai.  Je sais que nous pouvons ressentir le Saint-Esprit tout le temps parce que de l'Expiation et je ressentais le Saint-Esprit tres beaucoup dans mon mission!!!

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.  I know that we can feel the Holy Ghost all the time because of the Atonement and I have felt it very much in my mission!!!

I miss you all so much!!! I love you all very much!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

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