Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 3 in France....

Hello Everyone!!!

Christmas was great!!!  I loved talking with my family!!!  

On Christmas Eve we spent a lot of time with the members. We went over to two homes for dinner, back to back. haha It was really good. The first house I got to eat some escargot (snails)!!!  It was really good!!  Then at the other home I got to eat something that wasn't as good.  It is called foie gras or in other words, exploded duck liver. If you want to know what it is or how it is made I will let you look it up. haha They eat that a lot out here.

Christmas Day was another day where we spent all of it with the members. More duck liver! haha 

Our branch is so nice.  I got to skype my mom and dad. it was great! You guys make me miss home but I love it out here. I also got to watch "Finding Nemo" in French.  I would have to say that it was funnier in French, haha.

On the 26th we did exchanges so that our DL could do a baptism interview with our family, and let me tell you that you see miracles when you are on exchanges.  It was great. We got to talk to a lot of people and I got to bear my testimony a lot. We actually got to sing a Christmas song to someone too. haha

On the 28th and the 29th, the Lacatus Family (Loan, his wife, and two of his other children) were baptised and confirmed. They were so happy and I was so happy too. It is great seeing the gospel bless peoples lives. In the Gospel is where true happiness lies.  I know that for a fact.

Anyways, family and friends, have a great week and New Years. I love you all so much.  I love it out here serving the Lord. I know that this work is true.  I know that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and that he lives.

Love Elder Peterson

The first picture is the escargot I ate, the second picture is of the family we baptized:

The following are notes taken by me (Evan's mom) during our skype time:

- Evan estimated approx. 30 members in his branch which covers all of Chartres and surrounding cities.

- Their apartment is the same size as our living room. The washing machine is in the kitchen.  The dryer and bunk beds are in the living room.  Their apartment is heated by a radiator. 

- It's very cold there.  Although the temperature is higher than in Utah, the humidity is so high that it makes it colder.  Today they had 94% humidity.

- They walk most everywhere except when they have to go to the surrounding cities, then they take a car.  They have to walk single file most times because the streets are so narrow the cars get to park on the sidewalk.  Their feet hurt from walking on the cobblestone all day.

- On Christmas Eve, they had dinner at Frere Zobiri's home. He gave them each cologne and Belgium chocolate.

- On Christmas Day, they spent time with the Lacatus family and then went to another investigator's homes for lunch. That evening they went to Frere Zobiri's son's home who is the 1st counselor in the Branch Presidency.

- Foie Gras is a highly controversial food and illegal in the US but many people love the taste.

- The Lacatus family that was recently baptized is Romanian.

- Funny story - Evan contacted one guy and introduced himself and said that he knew that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and asked him if  he believed in Jesus Christ?  He said, "no" among other things.  He kept trying to poke Evan in the chest but it was funny because Evan is so tall and  the man was very short.

- France is super tiny.  It can be hard at times for him to stand and get places. Everyone stares at him because of his height. haha

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Week 2 in France

Hello Everyone!!!

This week was definitely not as busy as the last.  This week I have been sick. It really stinks because you want to do so much more than your body will let you do.  I can testify that if you try to do more, out in the freezing cold, that you will just make yourself worse. haha  Just stay inside and get rest so you can work harder after you have recovered.  Sadly, I didn't do that one day...but I am feeling a lot better now, just in time for Christmas!!!

I had a Christmas miracle happen.  For the month of December our mission has a goal of baptizing one family for Christmas.  Elder Miller and I didn't have anyone of our amis that were getting baptized this month because the family that is going to be baptized was scheduled for the 4th of January.  Both of us were thinking and praying that we should move their baptism to the 28th of December.  Unfortunately, the family couldn't meet with us at all because they were so busy.  Satan was trying to stop us. We almost didn't think it was possible, then one night we finally met with the family and the father of the family (loan) said that they were going to be gone for the month of January so we would have to do the baptism on another date either before or after.  Elder Miller and I looked at each other and we decided that was the sign to do it on the 28th.  So the family is getting baptized on the 28th of December!!!  It was amazing!!! It is so cool to see how the Lord works.

So Merry Christmas!!! France is so amazing!!! I love it out here!!! It will be hard being away from the people I love but this is when we celebrate the birth day of Christ and he has helped me beyond what I could have imagined.  I love you all!  Have a great Christmas and celebrate the true meaning of Christ-mas!!!

Elder Peterson

These first two pictures are from the castle that overlooks Paris:

My trainer, Elder Miller, and Me

A view of the Chartres Cathedral

Missionary group picture

Me with President and Sister Poznanski

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17, 2013

Week One in France

Hello Everyone!!!

I love and miss everyone!!!  Sorry I didn't get to write on my actual Pday.  We had Zone Conference on Monday so I am writing this on Tuesday! The first week in France has been really good!!! I will start from the beginning:

We arrived in France at 11:00ish on Dec. 10th. (We are 8 hours ahead of Utah).  I was really tired from not getting any sleep on the plane.  The Mission President and his wife picked us up and they greeted us with nice tasty chocolat du pain, which is pretty much bread with chocolate pieces in it.  It was really good.  We went from the airport to the church in Paris.  We took the metro (train) and on the metro we were supposed to contact people.  I was apprehensive to talk almost the whole time on the metro.  This one lady was sitting across from me reading her newspaper when this guy just went up and stole it from her. haha  After the man ran away, I said: "C'etait bizarre," which means "That was weird."  The lady and I laughed. haha  Right about that time I was about to share a message but we had to leave. Once we arrived to the Church we were introduced to everyone and they gave us an intro for our mission.  We then went and ate dinner and arrived to a hotel around 9:30pm where I went straight to bed.

On December 11th we went to a huge castle that overlooks Paris.  Paris is seriously so huge.  I had no idea.  We had the chance to write our thoughts about what we want to be as missionaries.  It was a very spiritual moment.  Afterwards, we went back to Church and we got to meet our trainers and where we are assigned.  Mine is Elder Miller.  He is really nice and works hard so that is really good. We then went and saw Notre Dame.  It was huge!  After that Elder Miller and I left for Chartres (my first area).  It is one hour southwest of Paris.  We are the only missionaries in Chartres and we cover other cities around this big city.  We did a bit a contacting which was fun and then we went to bed. 

Our apartment is super tiny. haha  Everything in France is super tiny so that is great for a tall guy like me. haha Thank goodness we have a car to get around to different cities, but we usually just walk places.

Here is my address:

Elder Evan Peterson
D5, rue des Reservoirs/Res Fleurie

December 12th.  We did so much contacting, like so much! haha Sadly everyone rejected us.  Later on that day we met one of our 8 amis (investigators). Loan and his family are so ready for baptism. Four of the seven family members are getting baptized on January 4th.  When we taught them I felt the spirit so much.  I realized that even though there are a lot of people here that don't want the truth, the people that do want it are extremely special in the eyes of God.  I felt the Love of Christ flow through my body to them.  I love our amis so much.  The word amis in French means "friends." I thought a lot about that.  We are supposed to love our investigators.  They are not just a baptism or a number.

December 13th.  We taught our four other amis.  The first one we taught was Maria.  She is an older lady from Portugal and is super nice.  We are going to be inviting her to baptism soon.  We then taught Louise, Gerard, and Nathanael (Louise's son).  Louise and Gerard are living together.  We taught them about Christ.  It didn't go too well because Gerard and Louise were mad at each other.  He isn't progressing while Louise is.

December 14th.  We did more contacting, still getting rejected but I have hope!  I know there is still someone out there.  We did a family home evening at the Fortineau's house (they are a huge young family and the mother served a mission in Utah) with Loan and his daughter and son.  That was really awesome. Loan felt the spirit so much.  Everyone thinks I look like Elvis Presley. haha  So I think it was Carlynn's mom, Sister Raubenheimer, who said I looked like him. haha  I guess she was right!!

December 15th, my first Sunday.  It was really good.  A lot of our amis went to church.  Loan and his family went as well as Maria.  I could tell the two of them loved church.  I introduced myself to the ward and that went pretty well.  I still don't understand people though. haha  After church we did more contacting and porte a porte (door to door).  Still no luck, but during all of that the spirit told us to visit Gerard and share a chapter with him.  I felt inspired to share Alma 32 (it talks about faith and knowing the truth)  He said we could come over and share with him.  We shared it and it was going great.  I shared my testimony at the end by saying that I know the Book of Mormon is true and if he reads the Book of Mormon, prays to God and asks him if this book is true he will know the truth.  The spirit was so strong and once again Christ's love was present for him.  At the end we asked him to pray and in his prayer he said he will do better in his and thank you for my testimony.  That was a really great day.

December 16th.  We had Zone Conference in Versailles.  We had to walk to the Gar (train station) in Chartres which is a 30 minute walk away from our apartment.  Then we arrived in Versailles after an hour on the train and had to walk another 30 minutes to the church.  At Zone Conference we had a couple of talks and we ate lunch there.  It was very nice.  Really spiritual. Then I got my 2 packages from my parents (thanks so much by the way). I had to carry those packages, which were heavy, all the way back to our apartment.  So everyone probably thought I was an idiot carrying big packages all across both cities. haha  It gave my arms a really good workout though.  It made me laugh.

Anyways, that was my really busy week.  I know it was very long.  Well family and friends. I love you so much!  Talk to you soon!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

This is at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris.

Below me and Elder Sanchez eating the bread with chocolate.

First day instruction:

Consecration Hill

Evan is the tall in the gray suit on the right:


Evan is the third from the left below:

Evan meeting his first trainer: Elder Miller 

Missionaries wishing us a Merry Christmas:

Evan with trainer..Elder Miller:


France Mission President Poznanski and his wife:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 9, 2013 

Notes from mom:

Evan left for the SLC airport at 11:30 am with the other missionaries going to Paris.  It was a 10 hour direct flight.  They took off at 5:15 pm Monday and arrived in Paris at 11:30 am on Tuesday.

If you "like" the France Paris Mission Poznanski facebook page, you'll see updates every two weeks of the missionaries in Paris.

Below are pictures of his class and teachers as well as a picture of them doing a service project making over 350,000 lunches for those in need.  The first picture is with our teacher Soeur Chard and the second picture is with our other teacher Soeur Judd.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2, 2013

Week 5 at the MTC

Hello Everyone....

This week has been pretty cool.  One of the missionaries in my District, Elder Karl, had his wisdom teeth removed.  It was the funniest thing.  Lol.  The whole day he was so high.  He was like a little kid.  We convinced him that he was married and was a billionaire because he was holding ten dollars.  We have videos and I wish you all could see them. hahaha.

Thanksgiving was another awesome day.  First we went to a devotional and the speaker was Russell M. Nelson. It was really amazing.  He gave a talk about who should be our best friends right when we get into the mission field.  I felt the spirit a lot. Afterwards, we went to another devotional where the missionaries organized a play about Thanksgiving for everyone. We then went to our Thanksgiving feast. Let me just say that I really miss going over with the family for Thanksgiving, not only for the food but for the company as well.  Overall the food was great!

We then did a service project where all of the missionaries at the MTC had to put together 350,000 of ready-to-go lunches for Utah children who don't have food.  We did it too! We made 350,285 lunches.  I am glad we could all help others out because that's what a Mission is.  After the service project we got to see an actual movie...I couldn't believe it.  We watched "Ephriam's Rescue." That was really amazing.  I felt the spirit so much throughout the whole movie.  If you get the chance to watch that movie then do.  This week has been simply great!

The French zone has the earliest schedule and so we have to get up 1/2 hour earlier, around 5:50am.  

Je sais que l'Evangile de Jesus-Christ est vrai.  Je sais que nous pouvons ressentir le Saint-Esprit tout le temps parce que de l'Expiation et je ressentais le Saint-Esprit tres beaucoup dans mon mission!!!

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.  I know that we can feel the Holy Ghost all the time because of the Atonement and I have felt it very much in my mission!!!

I miss you all so much!!! I love you all very much!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

Friday, November 29, 2013

November 25, 2013

Week 4 at the MTC

So these two weeks have been really great!!! My comp and I have been teaching really well.  Our teachers have said they love being taught by us two because our teaching skills are amazing. They don't really have any suggestions.  My French is coming along really well. Pretty much I can think in English and it comes out in French.

My favorite thing we have been doing is teaching TRC's. They are people who are a part of the church that we teach.  I made a guy cry once with my testimony.  I never felt the spirit so strong.

I gave a talk on the Book of Mormon all in French for 5 minutes on Sunday.

I can't wait to get to France and serve the Lord there.  Just two more week left!!!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 11, 2013

Week two at the MTC...

Hello Friends and family,

I just love studying the Gospel here!  The Spirit here is so amazing! 

The days go by quick here at the MTC and I can't wait to get to France. I am feeling The Spirit a lot and learning a lot as well.  My district and I went to San Francisco last Tuesday.  We woke up at 1:30 am and left for the airport at 2:40am.  We arrived at the Salt Lake City airport at 4am and flew out at 6am. That was okay, just really tiring.  We arrived in San Francisco around 7:30am and couldn't find the people to take us to the French Consulate. We finally found them and still arrived for our appointment on time at 9am.  We went to the 6th floor and they called us up one by one (there were about 15 of us). They scanned our fingers and took our pictures. The worst part in going there was having to give some "samples" and getting our blood drawn twice because they forgot to tell us we couldn't eat eanything beforehand.  We got to visit and take pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. We stayed there for about an hour and then left for the airport.  We arrived at the airport at 11:30am.  We waited and ate some lunch. We arrived back at the MTC about 5:30pm and then went to our devotional.

This Tuesday we'll be hearing from L. Tom Perry so I am really excited for that. Thanks to all for your support with your letters, packages and prayer.  I appreciate it more than you know.

Our district has been working on some goals and I know as we do God's work everything will work out.  I have felt The Spirit so much here and have learned to rely on God more and more. I love learning the Gospel and teaching it. I love seeing improvements in ourselves and hearing from all of you.

Au Revoir!

Elder Peterson

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 4, 2013 - Monday

Week One at the MTC....

Everything is going great!  The Spirit here is amazing!  I've made some amazing friends here.  My district is full of Elders. We have no Sisters.  In my district, my companion and another elder are going to France Spanish speaking but they are learning French here at the MTC. I've been learning a lot about the Gospel and teaching techniques.

We have been teaching an investigator named Nicole and she is an exchange student at BYU from France.  We were able to answer all her questions she had about Le Livre de Mormon and L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Deniers Jours!  We fly out tomorrow to San Francisco at 2am to go and pick up our Visa.  

It has been great since Day 1.  Loving it here!

Au Revoir!

Elder Peterson

October 30, 2013 - Wednesday

Entering the MTC

There he goes....off for the "Best Two Years"

October 29, 2013 - Tuesday

Packing for the MTC..

"No Chuck, I can't take you with me..."


October 27, 2013 - Sunday

Mission Farewell.....

Awesome mission farewell cake made by our friend.
I've been so blessed to have the best friends in the world....