Monday, September 7, 2015

September 7th, 2015

The Green Machine

The last week 1 that I will ever have has ended...pretty weird. But so far I am loving it! It is super tiny but really beautiful. It is surrounded by mountains (they are really hills but they like to call them mountains so I will go with it). And we have a super super bright green car! I like to call it the "Green Machine." Some call it the "little green apple," "the green hornet," "the green lantern," etc...haha. Everyone knows when the missionaries are in town because it is the only car that is so freaking green!

But anyways...We had a great week. We have been teaching our amis and visiting the members here. We actually have two Amis with a baptismal date for the 26th of September. They are an old French couple but they are super cool! Their names are Pierre and Ghislane. Ghislane has a smoking problem that she is trying to get rid of but the both of them truly believe that this is the restored church of Jesus Christ on the earth. So it is cool to see that!

We have been seeing the members too. There are about 15 to 20 members here. I really like branches though. I have been in branches pretty much my whole entire mission so I really enjoy it.

We have a Romanian family that we are teaching and this week we went to go teach them. They don't really speak any French but their oldest son translates for us. We had a really cool moment with them while we were teaching. They told us that a lot of people told them that they shouldn't be meeting with us because the Mormon religion is a sect and all that normal stuff people say when they don't really actually know who we truly are. Anyways....We were able to clear that stuff up and then the father asked me a question. He said, "Do you truly believe in God for yourself or do you believe because others told you to?" I then was able to give my whole testimony about how I came to know God and by the end the father smiled and said a loud "Amen!" Haha.  We invited them to truly study the Book of Mormon and pray about it and they said yes so we will see what happens! :)

That is pretty much what happened this week. I will keep you updated what happens here for the little time I have left on my mission. It is going to be an adventure though! :)

Love ya guys!

Elder Evan Peterson

1. The "Green Machine" and yours truly.
2. St.Dié at its finest.
3. My comp, Elder Cisneros and I. He is from Mexico! Jaja

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