Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 1, 2015


This week has been super super busy with rdvs, lessons, and eating at members houses, as you can tell from the title! Here's what went down this week...

Pretty much all of our amis are doing really well. Isidore is doing good but we just have to teach him slowly so that he understands. Jean-Yves is doing really well too. He is coming to church every week now. We are just waiting until he gets an answer about the Book of Mormon. We were able to fix another date for Cesaire for July 5th. Hopefully that can hold through. We have this other ami named Daniel. He is a boyfriend of a member here and he has been coming to church for the past month, so we have been teaching him. This week we all went to a member's house and had Family Home Evening with the members, Daniel and his girlfriend. It was pretty legit. :)

This whole week has been full of miracles. On Pday a young member, Charles, invited his friend to play basketball with the missionaries and other members. It was super fun and at the end we were able to teach the member's friend about the Book of Mormon. The kid really liked playing basketball with us and he really liked the Book of Mormon. Charles is going to invite his friend to take the missionary lessons soon so hopefully that goes well! :)

Lots of cool things have been going down here. A lot of amis are coming to church now. All of the companionships in Angers have been working together and finding people. I will share with you some cool experiences about the work that has been going on...So one day Elder Bailey and I contacted this lady on the street and she was so legit. At first she seemed weird because she said she was a medium but we were able to fix a rdv with her and pass her over to the sisters. And now this lady has been coming to church and has a baptismal date. Apparently she has been living like all of the commandments her whole life so she is pretty golden. The other Elders in Angers were able to find this cool family that lives in our sector and we have been teaching them a lot recently. We teach the mom, Christianne and her boyfriend, Jean Bernard. They are Evangelical but they are wanting to find out if God has restored his church on the earth. We've been seeing a lot of cool miracles lately. I wish I could tell you all of them but there's not enough time.

We have been eating a lot at members' houses. We went to two members houses this past Sunday and the first member fed us 2 appetizers, 2 main meals, and 2 desserts....haha. We were so stuffed when we got to the other member's house. Also Thomas, a member/returned missionary took us out to eat at a Chinese buffet because it was Elder Hogenson's bday. It is going to be hard to keep myself in shape...

Well that is pretty much about it. Hope you all had a good week! Love ya!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

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