Thursday, April 2, 2015

March 23, 2015


Well, I am officially in my new area, The Dangers Zone...full of dangers and adventures, and LOVING IT!!!  This place is really good and my comp is a cool dude. His name is Elder Bailey. There are 3 companionships in Angers too. 2 companionships of Elders and 1 of Sisters. There is a ward here too and it is really big, so that is a big change for me since I've only served in small branches...haha.


This whole week we really have been soooo busy.

So first off, we have been teaching our amis and one of them is a guy named Cesaire. He is 17 and he plays basketball for a team in Angers. He is from Congo and he plays some dang good bball. He even has a baptismal date for the 12th of April. Cesaire is progressing well and is looking forward to his baptism. We had a FHE with him at a member's house and that was really good. Later on during the week we watched the Restoration with him and that rendez-vous was really powerful. The spirit was there and he said he knows the gospel is true. The only thing that would stop him from getting baptized is playing basketball on Sundays, but we're working on that with him.

We also met with this cool lady named Laura. She is really believing and we just talked about our message and how it is there to add things to people's lives. She really liked us and she is even friends with one the members here so that was fun teaching with her friend.

On Friday Elder Bailey and I went to mission council. It was really cool to see how things work and to just talk about the work with all the leaders and Mission President. The goal for the mission this time is to have each companionship find at least 3 new amis each week. When we arrived home after a long day in Paris, we planned and came up with some good goals for the Zone so that we might accomplish what the Lord wants us to do. Since the Church is really focusing on Easter and the "Because He Lives" message, we made our goals according to that and then we presented our Zone goals to the District Leaders so that they could give it to all the missionaries in the Zone. I am really excited for all this to come together.

Other than that we have been doing a lot of service and just teaching so it is really great!

I will let you know more next time because right now I am really hungry....:)

Love you all! Have a great week! :D

Elder Evan Peterson

Here are some pics:

1. Everyone in the apartment, from left to right: Elder Allen, Me, my comp and Elder Hogenson.

2. Me in the Bourges Cathedrale

3. Us cooking us some grub

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