February 23, 2015
It seems like all of our amis are young Frenchmen. I just realized that this week, so we are teachin' d'em young bloods as Uncle Drew would put it!!!
This week was really good. We were able to find this young French guy whose name is Renaud. We contacted him and fixed a rendez-vous for the next day. We went to his house and shared the Restoration with him. He seems really cool and he had a question if he ever needed to be baptized, so we gave him good old 2 Nephi 31 for him to read.
Our ami, Octave, is soooo cool. We just found out that he speaks English perfectly...haha. We showed him the Restoration video in English and afterwards he is just using all of these complicated words that I don't even know in English. After we show him the video we asked him what he thought about it and he said that it is real: The Book of of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and everything. That was so cool to hear! :D Our lessons with him are so great. He said he felt that it was true just by reading the first pages of the Book of Mormon! He isn't sure about baptism because he is afraid that he will be a "cast away" because his family hates religion and they don't believe in God. Next week, we are going to really help him accept to be baptized because he is Golden! :D
Other than that, Michael is doing awesome. He's agreeing to everything and coming to FHE as well as church. Sadly we weren't able to see out other ami with the baptismal date because he was super sick this week. Thomas, our other Frenchman ami is doing great too!
A lot of cool things are happening in Bourges! It is hard to write about all or our amis. There is just so much to say. It is just so crazy how, through the Lord, you can find anybody anywhere. It doesn't matter what ccountry you are in, or what language you speak, or how big your area is, or if you are in a branch or a ward. The list goes on and on, but the one thing I know is that if you work and put your faith in God you can find people that are looking for the truth.
Well, I will let you go! I love ya guys!!! Have a good week doing our Heavenly Father's work!
Elder Evan Peterson
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