Friday, February 20, 2015

February 9, 2015


This week we ate out a lot. I have no idea why but I didn't gain weight. Hey, my prayers are coming true....haha. We went to an Asian Buffet with one of the member's sons here in Bourges. We had a good time and it was dang good! After every transfer it is a tradition to eat at this place so we are keeping the tradition going! We ate two Kebabs, which is pretty much just like a hamburger but with mysterious meat that nobody knows what it is. Then we went to get some Indian food which was dang good too...haha. I think we ate out a lot because we have been getting tired of eating just pasta and quiches.

We were able to find a super cool guy though. His name is Octave and he is a young Frenchman. He said that he has only been believing in God for about 3 years now and he told us how he found God. He went to South America and saw how much the people believed in God down there and that helped him to believe in God too. We had a super cool lesson with him. We were able to share with him the Book of Mormon. He really liked it and he said he would read it. We are going to see him this week.

We have been really focusing on Michael and we fixed another date with him for the 14th of March. I am sure this time will work. He said to us that he felt something during the Sacrement last week so we were able to explain that it was the Holy Ghost. He seems to be committed now. Sadly he is sick and he wasn't able to come this week to church, but he has been keeping all of his engagements and little by little he is receiving his own testimony which is cool.

All of our other amis are doing good, just progressing slowly. Slowly is better than nothing at all, so I will take it.

Have a good week guys! Keep on keeping on! Bisous.

Elder Evan Peterson

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