Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 17, 2014


This is my new Transfer 9 planner. Because it is almost Thanksgiving I put in 2 Cor. 9:11. I am really Thankful for God this week! :)

The start off of transfer 9 has been great! This week we saw a lot of miracles!!! :)

Let's start off with Tuesday. So we taught our ami, Madame Le Bon again and she is doing really well. She read and prayed but isn't praying to know if these things are true. That will come though. Anyways, during porting that night we were able to find a guy named Olivier. We asked if we could pray with him and he was really excited to pray with us. We prayed and we shared the Restoration. He believes in God but thinks that religion doesn't matter. Overall, he is a cool dude. He works for the military and he does yoga. Sadly, he told us that he is going to have to do military detention until December 9th, so we won't be able to see him until then.

Later on this week we found another guy whose name is Bruno. He is a 7th Day Adventist. We contacted him and prayed with him and then set up another rendez-vous. We went over to his house and taught him about Joseph Smith. He agreed with everything we said so we are planning on giving him a baptismal invite this next week.

Other than that we are still teaching Stany, Michael, Sylvie, and Madame Le Bon.  They are all progressing really well. We have been really blessed this week. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be this blessed but I am not complaining...haha :) I am loving the work, and I am super excited for the Cook Conference! :)

Did you hear that Elder Shaver and I have some fans out here in Bourges? Here is some pics of us with our BIGGEST FANS that we have. I swear they love us so much.

Hope you guys have had a great week!!! Love you all!!! 

Elder Evan Peterson

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 10, 2014


Another transfer is over...It is so crazy how time just goes by faster and faster. I am now in transfer 9 and Elder Shaver and I are staying together! Elder Shaver has been one of my favorite comps so I am looking forward to this transfer! This next transfer will only be a 4 week one instead 6 so it will go by even quicker! Also on the 20th of November, Elder Cook, one of the Twelve Apostles, will be coming to our mission!!! I am super excited!!! :)

We had a great start to our week. We were able to teach our amis and they are doing well. I still don't feel like we have had that golden ami yet but we are still trying to find one.

We taught Madame Le Bon again this week and she read this time!  However, she didn't pray, so we testified that she needs to pray to find out if God is there.

We also taught Michael and gave him a Book of Mormon. He is a very nice guy and agreed to do everything we invited him to do.

We had a cool and funny experience this week. I will start off with the cool one.

So while we were doing some contacting, Elder Shaver and I contacted this one dude. At first he didn't seem interested but he said something about losing a family member and then I replied that God created a plan about how we can live with them again and that we would like to share this message with him. He then said he had 15 minutes for us to talk with him so we gave him a Plan of Salvation pamphlet and then he asked us how we know that God is there. We were then able to share our testimonies and gave him a Book of Mormon. We said that he could know that God is there through this book. He is a very serious man and asked a lot of difficult questions but it was so amazing how we were able to share out testimonies with him. We tried to get his name and his phone number but he said that he would read the Book of Mormon and said he would call us which I really hope he does.

Now for the funny story...haha. So while Elder Shaver and I were doing some porting we were just minding our own business and asking people if they wanted to pray with us. After a couple of houses down, we looked back and saw some people on a phone and pointing at us. We were just like "Oh that's weird. Maybe they're calling the police? No...they wouldn't do that...we just asked them to pray." Well a couple of minutes later a car pulls up to us and 4 men get out saying that they were the police...haha. They asked what we were doing and we told them everything and as you can see with the title of this week, we were frisked!!!  They said that porting is against the law (which it totally isn't) and they told us to go back home. We agreed and then they left. After that we just took the car and drove somewhere else to do more porting....haha. Super weird experience and a pointless one too. I mean all we were doing was asking people to pray but I am proud to say that I have been stopped and frisked by the police for the first time on my mission!

Anyways...I had a good week! I hope you all did as well!!! :) 

Love you guys!

Elder Evan Peterson

November 3, 2014



This week was really good. Well as you can see with the picture, Elder Shaver an I put together a little Halloween party for the branch and their friends. I have to say it was quite a success. :) 

Elder Shaver and I tried to do a soup diet (you just eat soup for the whole week)! So let me just say when you eat liquid it stays that way...haha. Never doing that again. Anyways...

Well first off this week we had exchanges again. This time we were in Tours. It was really fun and I learned a lot from it. When we got back from exchanges we taught Madame Le Bon again. This lesson went 100x better than all of the other lessons. We were more in control and she listened. She still wants to know if there is a God and I just told her even if she just has a desire than she can know and she will know if she reads and prays. She said she would read and pray more. By the end of the lesson she even offered a prayer before we left. It was really cool to see her show her faith and ask God her questions.

We also taught a guy name Michael. He is kind of believing and kind of not. He just doesn't know if God is really out there. Elder Shaver, on his exchange, knocked on his door and prayed with him. We went over there and taught the restoration and invited him to pray and ask God if he is there. He said he would!

Other than that this week we were able to pray with some people and we were able to teach this cool young thug that we found last week on Sunday. His name is Stany and he is 22 yrs. old. We taught him the restoration this week and he asked us how we found out how these things are true. So we told him and then he said that he really wants an experience like that to really know if God is there. So we told him how he can do it and it seems like he is really excited. He seems like a golden ami. Heavenly Father has blessed us a lot here. We have seen a lot of cool miracles this week!

For Halloween our whole zone did a finding activity where we went "finding" in Tours. So we all went there and we were able to teach a total of 34 lessons that day as a zone!!! We also went on exchanges with others in my zone. I was put together with Elder Jouffray who is in my group. It was fun! Here is a self pic of us....

After the finding activity we went back to Bourges for our Halloween party that Elder Shaver and I put together. It was sooo fun....haha. We talked a lot and did bobbing for apples. I love the branch here so much. Here is a picture of some of the Branch at the Halloween Party...

Anyways...that is my week! I am so grateful for this Gospel and my mission. It really has changed my life so much. I can't describe how much I love it out here serving the people of France.  

I hope you guys have a great week!  Love you!!!! :)))

Elder Evan Peterson

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

October 27, 2014

Like a Praying Mantis

I shall call him Mufasa.

Hey guys!!!

Well this week I had to do a lot of praying just like my little friend Mufasa. I almost killed him with a lawn mower while we were helping one of the members over here cut her lawn.

This week was the best of times and the worst of times. Overall a lot of praying and we saw a lot of miracles! Here is a cool miracle....this Tuesday, I wasn't really having the best day possible. I was kind of sad and upset just about life. Later on Tuesday night during porting, the second door that we knocked on happened to be a great blessing for me. It was this nice black lady and we told her that we were there to pray with her and her family. She decided to let us in and we were able to pray and teach them the Restoration. They really enjoyed it and we were able to get their phone number. We will be seeing them later on this week. It was really amazing to see that God knew I was having a hard time and so he blessed me right then and there.

Later on that week we had our exchanges with the zone leaders. We saw a lot of miracles too! During my exchange we were able to pray with 3 people and get there phone numbers!!!

Later on we had district meeting and everyone waited for me to finish my legality. The legality place took soooo long, but everything worked out. I am officially legal again!!!! Whooo!!!

We received a call this week from one of our amis, Madame Lebon. She was concerned about our Church and how she felt like if she continued with us she was going to lose her culture. That was sad to hear her say that. We asked her if we could talk to her in person and she said we could. We went over there and we discussed it with her and told her that we aren't here to change things but to add things. Then we told her that she just needs to continue and try it to find out if it is true. She agreed with us and she ended up coming to church this Sunday which was great!!!:)

I feel like the Lord just gave me a lot of blessings this week to lift me up a little higher and to be a little better. It's funny how things work out like that with Him. This morning I read a scripture which really touched me. It was Isaiah 48:10..."Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction."

Our Heavenly Father calls upon us in our weaknesses and in our trials. Through Him we can become something and do things that we wouldn't have been able to ever imagine if it wasn't for Him reaching out to us during these trials. While in the mist of trials the best way to get yourself out of them is to help others.

I hope you guys have had a great week because I know I have had a great one!!!

Love you all!!! :)))

Elder Evan Peterson

Here is a picture of me and the package I received for Halloween! Thanks mom!!!