Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 20th, 2014


This is Elder Peterson's mom. I thought I'd share with you an email I received from Elder Allanic, who is serving in Amiens, France with his wife. Elder Allanic is the acting Branch President there too.  I sent him Evan's birthday video that I made of many family and friends wishing him Happy Birthday and he in turn played it for Evan.  Here is what Elder Allanic said in an email to me:

Bonjour soeur Peterson

Nous avons bien reçu votre message,et l'avons transmis à Elder Peterson.

Qui l'a regardé avec le plus grand intéret.Il y avait sur son visage de la joie, et de l'émotion.

Elder Peterson accompli une belle mission à Amiens,vous pouvez être fier de votre fils.

Merci d'avoir préparé votre fils pour accomplir une si grande oeuvre.


Elder Allanic

Here's what it translates to:

Hello Sister Peterson-

We received your message and gave it to your son. 
He loved it- his face was full of joy and emotion.
He is serving very well and has accomplished a lot in Amiens- you should be very proud of him. Thank you for preparing him for such a grand work! 

Elder Allanic

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