Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

The day when I turned 20 on the 20th...I am so old...

Hello everyone! This week has been really great!!! I just wanted to thank all of you for the Birthday wishes! It meant so much!!! That made my week!!

Well...Things that happened this week. We got two new people serving in Amiens, Elder Quist and Elder Blackham. Elder Quist is my comp., and 3 transfers below me.  He is a really nice dude and he loves to work so we are getting along great! I am loving it here and am really excited for another transfer in Amiens!!! Elder Blackham is Elder Weston's bleu (greenie), so he just barely came out of the MTC. He is a very funny guy. We are all having a party here in Amiens (A spiritual fun party that is)!!!

The 20th was my birthday and transfer day so I thought my birthday was going to stink but it was really awesome! I got to see my trainer too! I sure miss this dude. Here is Elder Miller and I - 

This week, all of us in the appartement went to a riverside restaurant for my birthday. It was really nice. It is called "Le Quai" Here are some pics!


Elder Weston (left) and my comp. Elder Quist (right)

Me and Elder Blackham

          One last one of me drinking a classy coke!!!! missionary work goes Elder Quist and I have been working super hard and I love it!!!  We didn't find anybody but we will soon!  We were able to pray with an old lady and that was good. She said we can pass by anytime so we will be doing that this week.

We were able to meet with one of our amis, Feran. He is from Iraq but we teach him in English. He doesn't understand everything we say but he still understands the main message. He has a lot of questions and I know that our message can do just that!

We also saw Gregory and he is doing worse than before. I think it was because he was hospitalized for a month. He is really down but we just kept on testifying to him that a lot of times God doesn't answer our prayers right then and there. We ended up comforting him and we are still going to pray for him.

Other than that I was able to watch the video with all of my family and friends in it!!! That really made my week. I can't tell you how much you guys have made a difference in my life. I have changed so much since I have been on a mission and have changed so much in my life because of all of you. So thank you for the great birthday! I love you guys!!!

Au revoir!!! Je vous aime!!!

Elder Evan Peterson

A side note from mom:  Elder Quist is from Washington State where I'm also from and his mom is also a harpist like me.  Small world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 20th, 2014


This is Elder Peterson's mom. I thought I'd share with you an email I received from Elder Allanic, who is serving in Amiens, France with his wife. Elder Allanic is the acting Branch President there too.  I sent him Evan's birthday video that I made of many family and friends wishing him Happy Birthday and he in turn played it for Evan.  Here is what Elder Allanic said in an email to me:

Bonjour soeur Peterson

Nous avons bien reçu votre message,et l'avons transmis à Elder Peterson.

Qui l'a regardé avec le plus grand intéret.Il y avait sur son visage de la joie, et de l'émotion.

Elder Peterson accompli une belle mission à Amiens,vous pouvez être fier de votre fils.

Merci d'avoir préparé votre fils pour accomplir une si grande oeuvre.


Elder Allanic

Here's what it translates to:

Hello Sister Peterson-

We received your message and gave it to your son. 
He loved it- his face was full of joy and emotion.
He is serving very well and has accomplished a lot in Amiens- you should be very proud of him. Thank you for preparing him for such a grand work! 

Elder Allanic

August 18, 2014

I am staying in Amiens!!! :)  

Watermelon season is back boys!!!

Bonjour a tous!  So..the death of Robin Williams is the only sad thing that has happened this week, may he R.I.P.

We had a really good week though. So to start off this week, we were able to teach this one lady that we found last week. Her name is Yergalem. She and her family are from Ethiopia. We had a really good first lesson but sadly she said she is going on vacation for 2 weeks...the worst word to hear as a missionary...I hate vacations...

Anyways...another great thing happened this week! We were able to finally meet with Gregory again. He was actually in the hospital for a month! We are glad he is doing better now. He came to church and we were able to fix another baptismal date with him for the 20th of September!

We were able to see David (aka King David). He invited us over for another BBQ for Elder Willden before he goes back home. Last time we ate lamb at our BBQ and this time we ate FISH!!  haha Very symbolic to Jesus Christ. I wonder for next time if we will be eating manna...haha.

Other than that we have been doing normal missionary work and I have just been trying to make this week good for Elder Willden before he leaves. But for this coming transfer I will be senior comp and my new comp is Elder Quist. I am about 4 1/2 months ahead of him in the mission.  I am really excited for another transfer in Amiens!!! :)

Here is my new transfer 7 planner:

Au revoir!!! I love you guys! Have a great week!!!  :)

Elder Evan Peterson

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 11, 2014

Hello everyone!  

We find out if we're getting transferred on Saturday instead of Monday. That will give more time for packing and to tell members. I'll let you know what happens!

Well this week was okay.  The trio is kind of...awkward, but we decided to have two of us go contacting on one side of the road and the other does "solo" contacting on the other side of the road. It seems a lot better than having 3 men go contact people so we have been taking turns on going solo contacting. I have to admit, I really like solo contacting. People aren't so intimidated when you are by yourself.  You still get weird looks though...haha. I was even able to teach a lady about the Plan of Salvation!

We didn't see a lot of success this week, but the good thing is that Christelle, one of our amis, showed up at church. That was really good! We were able to watch the Restoration with her. She is really timid though. We testified a lot and the spirit was there so hopefully she was able to recognize that that was the Holy Ghost.

After church we had a linger longer. That's where we stay and have a meal and talk with each other. That was really fun! The branch here is a really nice branch and I am really good friends with all the members.

A great thing also happened this week! I received a birthday package from my mom!!!! It was really great! You can always make me happy with this:

And yes, that is a LAKERS tie. Purple and Yellow!  Thanks Mom!!! I love you!!!

Well that is it this week! We just have one more week in this trio, so we will see what happens!

Have a great week guys!!! Love you! Until next week!

Elder Evan Peterson

Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 4, 2014

Hello everyone!

So we had a good week! Sadly Gregory still isn't here but we were able to find 2 new amis!

David, the first guy we found, is a very weird and long story so bear with me. Last transfer we were walking home and this dude comes up to us and puts his hand in the air and yells something about Jesus Christ. We thought he was drunk but he said he talked to us before but we never saw him during our whole time here. Anyways, he talked to us a little bit about Joseph Smith. We started talking with him and explained to him everything about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. He was really interested so by the end of it, we asked him for his phone number and another Rendez-vous with him. He then said that if God wants it then we will see each other again....haha. We tried again but he kept on saying the same thing, so we let him go with a restoration brochure and our card.

Later on, we kept on running into him a lot and we would teach him here and there. After seeing us multiple times, he still wouldn't give us his phone number or address.  This week, however, it all changed!

We saw him again and we taught him more about the Book of Mormon and during the middle of the lesson he starts doing like the mating call to whistle to a girl that walks by...haha. She gives him like this weird look ad shakes her head. We then turn to him and ask him if he knew this girl. He said no he didn't know here.  It was so funny. David thinks that he is King David from the Bible. He said, "I am like King David, I like beautiful women" haha. But anyways, we were still focused and by the end of it he finally gave us his phone number and his address and he even invited us over to a barbeque!!!!

On Saturday, we went over to have a barbeque and it was dang good.  He cooked us lamb! He offered us wine and we said we don't drink wine. Then he said, "You don't drink the blood of Christ??" haha  He was just kidding though. Then he made another joke about how he got lamb because it reminds us of the "Lamb of God."  I have to admit, it was so fun. Here are some pics of the barbeque: 

Here is David and I.

Elder Willden and I:

This boy even likes the LAKERS!!!!  Oh yeah!!!!!!

Below is a picture of Roquefort, the strongest cheese! And yes the green stuff is mold which you eat.

Other than that we went over to a member's home because Elder Oliverson was leaving this week to go back home after 2 years. So we had a good time! Elder Oliverson left this morning so Elder Weston, Elder Willden and I will be in one companionship until Elder Willden finishes his mission in 2 weeks. should be interesting seeing 3 guys in white shirts contact people.haha

Have a great week everyone!!!! Love you guys!!!!

Elder Evan Peterson