Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014

OH my GOSH. So Transfer number 4!!! I am officially leaving Chartres! I am going to Amiens! It is a pretty big city north of Paris. I am really excited! I will be co-comping with Elder Smith. He has been out for just a little more than a year. 

So this week has been really good. We have been preparing our amis for baptism still. Sadly we had to push our dates because of some problems but I know that they all have a true desire to get baptized. One of our amis that we had to push the date on is Gwen (you will hear another story about her later.). We had some huge lessons with her.  She had soooo many questions but Elder Eldredge and I answered them all with the Spirit! I used some language that I didn't even know! It was really good and she is totally ready for baptism!

Sunday was a great fast and testimony meeting. I told everybody that I was leaving and it was pretty sad. Then I bore my testimony and I realized how special this place is. Some people said that France would be a hard place and that I would get rejected a lot, but when you see people the way that God sees them, it changes things. I have seen how great the work is continuing to move out here and it is moving fast. I am going to miss Chartres so so much!!!

Anyways, after church people said goodbye to me and I to them. It was hard. Then...something happened that was unexpected and it was down right awkward...this is the story. I decided to go say goodbye to Gwen (our ami) and when I went over to her I put my hand out for a good handshake. She shook my hand and said good luck in your next ville and I said merci.  Then...she did it...the one thing that I swore at the beginning of my mission that I would never let happen...she bisous-ed me...that is the two kisses thing on the two cheeks.  Yeah, it happened and now I can never go back..haha.

So that is my week for you! I am so excited to continue my journey serving my Father in Amiens!!!

I love you all so much! :)

Elder Peterson

Here is a picture of Evan during General Conference and some pictures of Chartres he took. Yes these pictures were taken with Evan's camera.  The pictures of Chartres are so amazing it almost doesn't look real.

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