Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 3, 2014

Bonjour Everyone!!!!

This week has been great. Last week of transfer 2! My comp Elder Miller is leaving and I am staying in Chartres! I am so happy to stay.  I have seen so many miracles with Elder Miller. We are like best friends now, but I am super excited to see what happens! My new companion will be Elder Eldredge. 

This week we had some great lessons. We actually taught some with Borris! He is like a natural born missionary. Sadly he is 27 which he actually turned this week.  We had a family home evening with him at a member's house and made some brownies and he was able to blow out some candles for his bday.  Borris has never had a dress shirt his whole life so the member bought him a dress shirt and gave him one of his ties. He was so happy. We had to teach him how to tie it. haha  It was good.

We got a new ami from church headquarters. Our ami contacted the church via email to learn more about the church and so they referred her to us. She has been conversing with some sisters in SLC. Actually, one of those sisters is the daughter of our Branch President. Anyways, she has been having a really hard time with opposition. We were able to give her a priesthood blessing and she loved it. She is really progressing.

I am having a great time! Oh yeah! Thanks to the American Heritage Crew for sending me a letter. That really made my week!

I love you guys!!!

Elder Peterson

Borris' birthday

Us in our shirts and ties

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