Monday, January 13, 2014

Why hello family and friends!!!

This week has been pretty good! This week we moved the church to a brand new building! It's still not an actual church though, it is just in a business.  It was a lot of moving.  I even got to see one of those spiders from Harry Potter!!! It was gigantic! Spiders get big up here! Both Elder Miller and I thought it was dead, but it wasn't..haha.  We looked at it closely and it moved and ran away...I still don't know where it is at.

Me and my comp have become pretty good cooks, especially with pasta.  We usually eat with members twice a week. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, a baguette for lunch and pasta for dinner.  

Every apartment over here has weights which has been great for working out.

Anyways, we are being confused with the Jehovah Witnesses. Everyone thinks we are them whenever we do contacting or tracting. I think that's why they are so mad at us sometimes...haha. One of our amis is meeting with them and us. It is hard, but you have to remind yourself that you have the authority from God to preach his Gospel and you always have to teach by the spirit.  That is the most important thing you can do. When people mock you, laugh at you, look at you weirdly, or do anything else, then you should bare your testimony.  That's what I did and it works. Even when you don't see the affects right then and there. BARE YOUR TESTIMONY (with love of course) that Jesus Christ's Church is on the Earth and that he lives.

I know that this work is the Lord's work. We must strive to be like him everyday. Our Savior experienced all that we have gone through. He has "overcome the world." Through him we can experience the most joy and have the most peace. He has changed me and is still changing me. And, I know that he lives.

I am so grateful to be out here giving people the chance to experience the joy I have received through our Redeemer!!! I can't wait for the baptism this week!! We are preparing one of our amis to get baptized this coming week along with her 9 year old son. It has truly been a miracle with her. We are always seeing miracles out here!!!

I love you guys so much! Until next time, may the Spirit be with you!!

Elder Peterson

The first picture is me at the famous Chartres Cathedral. I found out that every cathedral is called Notre Dame which I thought was interesting.  (Notre Dame means 'our lady' which refers to the Virgin Mary.)  The second picture is because I am just so happy!!!

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